Devos For Moms Day 2 [Praying God's Purpose For Our Children]

By Dannah Gresh

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By Dannah Gresh, founder of True Girl 

Bible Blast: I Corinthians 10:23-33

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

I Corinthians 10:31

I was just checking out at the vet's office. Moosie, my naughty one-year-old labradoodle, had an infected dew claw. (Translation: a really expensive extra but useless toe!) A Christian sister of mine (and yours, of course) just happened to be the one checking me out and was helping me understand the doggie meds when my spirit leapt within me to inquire about her precious daughter who is the same age as mine. She burst into tears. Her sweet baby girl was facing the same painful storm that one of my girls had begun to face just one week earlier. We both cried a little and promised to pray for each other. A blessing to have each other, but oh how we wish we didn’t need to comfort one another.

My sweet girl has never really known this pain and part of me would do anything to fast forward through it, but I do believe God works all things together for good. The stress of homework. The challenge of best friends and mean girls. Broken hearts. He uses these things. So I asked him how to comfort her in light of the usefulness of this trial.

In comforting my baby girl, I wanted to say “God has a plan for your life.” But something in me was stopped short. (It was the Spirit correcting me.) While it is true God has a plan and there are Bible verses promising that very thing, that is such an incomplete thought. It is very “me” centered, fueled by the self-esteem mantra. Our kids don’t need self-esteem; they need God esteem. If they esteem God they will understand their value but not make too much of themselves.

What do you want me to say to give her courage, Lord? I asked in my heart. He answered: “God has a good plan for his son and he loves you so much he wants you to be a part of it. Watch in this time of hurt to see how he wants you to move towards your purpose.” I told her. And now, we wait together.

Your child’s primary purpose in life is to glorify God. It’s your purpose, too. If your heart is thirsty and confused and wearied by religion, it is most likely because you haven’t discovered the power of this truth upon which all others settle contentedly. For in surrendering to let him be the consuming passion of your purpose, you’ll find yourself swept away in the romance of it and infused with true joy. It’s probably best stated in the famous Westminster Confession that reads:

“...the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him.”

It is one chief end: to glorify and to enjoy. The surrender and sometimes-hard-work of glorifying him is married to the treasure of being in a state of enjoyment. They cannot be separated. I have heard no better way to say it than the way Pastor John Piper does in Desiring God when he calls himself a “Christian hedonist.” The greatest pleasure in all of life will be when you finally find the way the puzzle piece of your purpose fits into the great picture of God’s plan. When you discover this in the core of your being, you’ll find true pleasure.

Let it be said that everything we do—whether we’re eating or drinking or raising children or cooking—is for his glory. And let our children learn this lesson earlier than we did!

Prayer For Our Children Based On I Corinthians 10:23-33:

Lord, I confess to you that I’m guilty of using “me-centered” language at times as I raise (insert the names of your children). Remind my own heart that you want me to glorify you. To make you know. And help me to teach (insert the names of your children) that no matter what they’re doing—eating or drinking or taking tests or getting dressed—that they do all to glorify you. This is their primary purpose. Let nothing get in the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.




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Dannah Gresh Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam.

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