Thanksgiving Devos Day 1: Thank You, Jesus!

By Noli

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Hey moms! As our kitchens get busy and our Black Friday shopping lists get longer, we wanted to take some intentional time this week to help focus your daughter's heart on thankfulness.

Each day until Thanksgiving, we'll post a devo for you and your tween daughter to read together! Whether your turkey is delicious or comes out a little dry (😔), don't miss this opportunity to instill an attitude of thankfulness in your family.

So...invite your daughter to read today's Thanksgiving devo!

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

 James 1:17

I’d thought those words over and over again as I swam through the water of the Caribbean. With each colorful fish, stingray, starfish, and even the electric eel with its freaky stare, I thought, “Thank You, Jesus!”

But then…I saw an oddly shaped, splotchy brown fish that blended into the rocks and coral. Its boxy appearance made me wonder if it was a pufferfish, so I snorkeled closer until we were looking into one another’s eyes. My new friend didn’t like that and suddenly flattened itself and turned as blue as the clear ocean. It was camouflaging like a chameleon.

“THANK YOU, JESUS!” This time I said it out loud because I was so excited. (Later, I learned that I’d seen a cuttlefish, which is known to change color and pattern!)

Every day, God allows you to see and experience things. The taste of a candy apple. A warm hug from your mom. Some beautiful music that makes you feel happy. Each of these things is a good and perfect gift from God.

This month—no matter how small or big a gift is—take time to remember it’s from God. Thank Him for it.

ACTION POINT: You don’t have to be swimming in the ocean to be grateful. Look around the room you’re in right now. What do you see that makes you thankful? Say out loud, “Thank You, Jesus!” Practice doing that all day today.

Dannah Gresh is the founder of True Girl and loves to see girls learn to love their Bibles. She lives on a hobby farm with 20 animals.

This devo is part of the True Girl Subscription box, where you get daily devos every day! If you want more resources for your daughter to discover biblical Truth, check out the True Girl Subscription Plan!


Learn more about the new True Girl subscription plan.

The True Girl subscription is your toolbox to teach her to love her Bible! Every month your inbox can be filled with a coaching video on important topics and tools to draw your daughter into the Word. And our ultimate option includes a box delivered right to your door! We selected age-appropriate, Christ-centered themes for each box and fill them with ALL-NEW items that build the habits of spiritual disciplines. Here’s what one mom is saying:

"The daily devo book is so easy to use and gets my daughter curious and more excited about God’s Word. It’s getting me in the Word"



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About the Author

Dannah Gresh Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam.

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