How to Make the Most of this Summer

By Hannah Price

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Proverbs 16:9 says “We can make our plans but the Lord determines our steps.” The year 2020 sheds a whole new light on that verse, doesn’t it?

You almost have to laugh. (Although at this point, crying might be a little more likely. We’re with you, girl.) But in the midst of the great chaos and uncertainty rampant in our world today when our plans have been canceled, our children are going through one of the most formative periods of their lives. Nope, it’s not just the current events of our world that are triggering this period of formation-- it’s their moral development.

Child development specialists tend to agree that a child’s worldview is fully formed by the time they are 13. That means while we may be asking ourselves what to feed them or how to keep them busy, our kids are asking much bigger, more consequential questions that will have an impact on the rest of their lives.

What if the readjustment of our schedules and realignment of our priorities is a tool God is using not just for us to make it through in survival mode, but to give us the opportunity to lay the foundation for our kids to truly thrive?

Our normal routine was full of noise. Our kids were faced with targeted media, cultural agendas, and lies of the enemy at an alarming rate. Studies show that the number one risk reducer for all the things that we fear for our children is parent-child connectedness. That’s right-- from eating disorders and early sexual debuts to walking away from the faith, your investment of time, attention, and relationship now can have a lasting impact on your children in the future. This extra time we’ve been given with them? If we use it well, this season could be a game-changer in children’s lives. It might feel difficult at times, but we think you're up to it!

The latest challenge? Navigating a scrambled up summer. It just figures that the year you were so ahead on signing your kids up for summer camp was the year everything fell apart, right? While summer camp may be canceled, we’ve made it our goal to take the pressure off the planning and increase your impact by providing you with the tools you need to turn this canceled summer into a season of growth for your whole family.

True Girl and Born to Be Brave have joined together to bring you Camp Staycation—a collection of seven pre-planned parent-child connection experiences created to provide spiritual encounters. Each week, we'll release the video and family impact activity guide over on Right now, you can find Week One (Tie Dye) and Week Two (Happy Trails)! 

Camp Staycation is an at-home video curriculum that provides deep, strategic, and fun activities that spark meaningful conversation to lay the foundation for your children’s worldviews. Each week we will release a FREE Camp Staycation Family Impact Activity that includes:

  • Video guides for pre-planned camp-themed activities that keep your family bonding.

  • Integrated lesson plans with biblical content that starts conversations and puts you in the driver's seat of your child’s worldview development.

  • The pinnacle of Camp Staycation is a special online campfire event with Dannah and Bob Gresh and the True Girl and Born to Be Brave teams. (Oh yeah, and some special guests will be there to provide our campfire tunes. We'll make that big announcement and open registration soon!)

Plus, when you and your family post a photo of you participating in one of Camp Staycation’s fun activities, you’ll be entered to win The Ooey Gooey Ultimate Graham Prize worth over $500 including:

  • The complete library of True Girl resources.

  • Dannah Gresh’s newest Bible study, Habakkuk: Remembering God’s Faithfulness When He Seems Silent.

  • An armload of Born to Be Brave swag.

  • An indoor S’More Maker.

  • A loaded Hershey’s brand S’mores Caddy.

  • The Roasted or Toasted Family Card Game.

This year, instead of packing your bags and sending your kids off to summer camp to experience God, take time together with them to unpack some of the most important truths they need to develop their worldview. We’ll provide the plan, all you’ve got to do is invest the time. Brace for impact, because your family is about to experience something unforgettable. You’re sure to be sharing camp stories for the rest of your lives!

Be sure to save the date for our family campfire on July 24th, 2020!



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Dannah Gresh Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam.

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