Category: Podcast - Season 15

Self-Control Sprinkles

Have you ever gotten so angry that you felt like you couldn’t stop your yelling or stomping or whatever it was, even though you kinda wanted to? That makes for one bad day, doesn’t it? For you and everyone around you!

The good news is that with God’s help, you don’t have to let yourself get that far in the first place. When the Holy Spirit works in your heart, you can exercise self-control.

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The Sweet Strength of Gentleness

Hardly anyone would say they think too much about themselves. But sometimes, my True Girl friend, we really do! Find out why that has to change. In this episode, we’re stirring up the secret that will help you get over thinking about yourself too much. You’ll learn that the right mindset can bring strength and love to those around you.

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The Flavor of Faithfulness

Have you ever been tempted to give up on your friend? Maybe you haven’t seen her in a while, and you keep trying to reach out to her, but you don’t hear anything. Did you fear she was ignoring you on purpose? Or did you think, Maybe she’s sick, or Maybe she’s just really busy right now. I should pray for her?

Your answer to that has to do with one fruit of the Spirit. I’m not talking about cranberries or pomegranates, but the list of character qualities found in Galatians 5. We call them the fruit of the Spirit. Remember, Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph are talking about all nine of them in this season of the True Girl Podcast. Today they’re looking at faithfulness.

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Baked In Goodness

Ever wonder what it takes to live a truly good life? In this episode, Dannah and Staci are talking about how you can let God’s grace shine through your actions and make a lasting impact on others.

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Kindness: A Recipe for a Better World

If you have siblings, you probably hear the phrase “Be kind!” pretty often at your house. It’s so hard to be kind, right? Even if you’re kind one minute, the next minute you might forget and say something really unkind. But that’s not the way you want to live!

As Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph talk about the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians chapter 5, they’ve reached the fifth one, kindness. They’re gonna look at what the Bible says about it and how we can learn to be more kind. But first, they’re making breakfast, and it’s not getting off to a great start!

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Slow Cooked Patience

Have you ever gotten upset with your sister for talking when you’re trying to go to sleep? Or complained because your family vacation seems so far away? If so, you’re going to want to keep listening!

In the past few weeks Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph have talked about love, joy, and peace. If you didn’t guess it already, today is patience.

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Peaceful Pie: The Recipe for a Calm Heart

Have you ever felt stressed or anxious? Today, Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph are serving up the perfect recipe to calm your heart and help you stay steady, no matter what storms come your way!

And, they’re baking one of Dannah’s seasonal specialties. So, let’s listen to Episode 4, called, “Peaceful Pie: The Recipe for a Calm Heart!”

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Joy Jams: The Secret Ingredient for a Happy Heart

When you hear the word “joy,” what do you think about? Playing outside in spring? Flowers and sunshine? Christmas? Those are all really wonderful things, but did you know that you can have joy even when your life is difficult?

Today Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph are talking about an ingredient of life that can make your heart burst with happiness, even in hard times. It’s an important part of “A Recipe for a Fruitful Life!”

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A Batch of Love

You probably see and hear the word “love” a lot. I mean, it seems like it’s everywhere! On decorative signs, on T-shirts, or just people talking about it. But lots of people don’t understand what love really is. And how can you experience it in your life?

Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph are talking about the fruit of the Spirit…and they’re doing some baking! Today they’re gonna make banana bread while they look at God’s love and what that means for us.

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Tea and Fruit

Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph are serving up all the best ingredients for growing in the Fruit of the Spirit! (And they’ll share some wonderful recipes to try.) Each episode explores one of God's sweet fruits like love, joy, or kindness, showing you how to mix these ingredients into your daily life.

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