By Janet Mylin, Lead Teacher of True Girl.
No need to worry. We aren’t turning this blog into a movie review hub. However, we felt this movie deserved our attention for two reasons: it’s about protecting children and we know many Christian parents are likely to see it. After seeing Sound of Freedom myself, it seemed useful to give a mom’s perspective on it for our True Girl audience.
Before I give some thoughts on the Sound of Freedom movie, let me say that I understand everyone has different opinions and tolerance levels when it comes to watching movies. Sound of Freedom is rated PG-13, has a little swearing in it, some crude language, and at least one semi-gory image (not involving a child).
That said, I trust you’ll hear my heart on this because the movie is about solving one of the most heinous problems we have in the world: child sex trafficking.
Sound of Freedom stars Jim Caviezel and is based on the true story of Tim Ballard. Tim is a former U.S. agent who quit his job to rescue children from trafficking. You may have heard of Operation Underground Railroad, the organization he started.
I saw the movie with my husband and three other couples. Beforehand, we decided to go out after the movie in order to process it together. That was a very good idea and I highly recommend you do the same.
Okay. Let’s get to it.
Four questions you might have about Sound of Freedom:
1. “Would you let your kids see it?”
Great question. Yes…and no. Of course, it depends on your child. With its PG-13 rating, it’s definitely not for younger kids. Personally, I told my oldest daughter (age 22) to see it and I would like my 16-year-old son to see it at some point. However, my other daughter has endured some trauma that could be easily triggered by the themes and stories in the movie, which leads me to the next question…
2. “How disturbing are the images in the movie?”
The movie does not show anything actually being done to a child, but trauma is implied over and over again. For example, there’s a scene where you see a child sitting on a bed. A man walks over and adjusts a camera, then walks back towards the child and you see and hear nothing else. There are several scenes like that. There is also a scene that shows an image of a man with a pool of blood around his head. (It’s shown to a perpetrator to compel him to cooperate with the investigation.)
3. “Why should I see this movie?”
Well, as I said in my answer to the first question, not everyone needs to see this movie. However, I think a bunch of people should. Why? Because child trafficking is a wicked, widespread problem and there are things you can do to help.
Trust me — watching Sound of Freedom was hard. Very, very hard. I felt myself constantly ping-ponging between rage and mourning. But I knew it was exposing an evil that I didn’t want to actually believe existed. It’s easier not to know. “Ignorance is bliss,” as the saying goes.
4. “What can I do to help eradicate child trafficking?”
Sitting here in my office living a very neat and tidy American life, it’s easy to think children aren’t horribly endangered in my immediate world. However, at the end of Sound of Freedom, it gives some alarming statistics. One of those stats reveals the United States as one of the largest participants in the child sex trade.
The Polaris Project says this about children who are more vulnerable to trafficking:
Human trafficking can happen to anyone but some people are more vulnerable than others. Significant risk factors include recent migration or relocation, substance use, mental health concerns, involvement with the child welfare system, and being a runaway or homeless youth. Often, traffickers identify and leverage their victims’ vulnerabilities in order to create dependency.
Polaris goes on to get more specific about risk factors:
People you know might be vulnerable to trafficking if they:
- Have an unstable living situation
- Have a history of domestic violence
- Have a caregiver or family member who has a substance abuse issue
- Are runaways or involved in the juvenile justice or foster care system
- Are undocumented immigrants
- Are facing poverty or economic need
- Have a history of sexual abuse
- Are addicted to drugs or alcohol
When I see that list, I immediately think about the power of connection. Specifically, I’m thinking about parent-child connectedness. Certainly, not all of those risk factors are abated by a child connecting to loving parents, but several are.
So, yes. Please give money to boots-on-the-ground organizations, like Tim Ballard’s, that rescue children.
And please raise awareness by giving others tickets to see Sound of Freedom and sharing statistics and risk factors.
You can also do something right in your home. Connect with your child. When you are connected with your kids, you see energy levels and attitudes change. You notice when something is out of the ordinary and you can be inquisitive to see if there is a bigger problem at work. Let your daughter know she is safe and loved. Show your son that you would move heaven and earth for him. Nurture your kids and your kids’ friends and make your home a respite from the world’s confusion. And, above all, point them to Jesus — the most courageous Rescuer in history.
I have to say I’m proud of the work True Girl is tirelessly doing to connect moms and daughters with each other as they both grow closer to Jesus. I know it doesn’t solve all the problems in the world, but I’m convinced it is helping.
And, mom, the work you are doing is important and powerful. Keep on keepin’ on, okay? You are not alone.
Much love,