It’s Great to be a Girl!
tween girls+their moms.
Help your daughter fall in love with God’s Truth about being a girl!
Help your daughter fall in love with God’s Truth about being a girl!
“Is my daughter too young for this study?”
If your daughter is on the younger side, don’t worry. Our hope is that this study will serve as a great conversation starter for you and your daughter, no matter her age or stage.
Our goal is to put YOU in the driver’s seat of helping your tween girl discover biblical truth about gender and her changing body.
What your daughter WILL learn in the study:
- The purpose of her body
- Her body as God’s temple
- Body care with a biblical perspective
- Her body and Christ’s sacrifice
What she will NOT learn in this study:
- Details about menstruation
- “The Sex Talk”
- Details on gender issues/sexual orientation
- Other things that would rob her innocence
“And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
{JOHN 8:32}

Our It’s Great To Be a Girl Bible-based study is designed to help you get ahead of the world’s definitions in relation to gender and femininity when it comes to your daughter. This study will guide you and your daughter through material from Dannah Gresh’s books It’s Great to Be a Girl and Raising Body Confident Daughters.
Talk to her about gender before the world does

Our bodies are masterpieces created by God.

What to expect

Each online experience is approximately 45 minutes and includes:
- Engaging Bible teaching from Dannah, Shani, & Janet
- Freedom stories from other girls as they experience God’s Truth
- Q&A time
- And more!

“I see my precious 9 year old daughter beginning to wrestle with the idea of who she is going to be, which path she is going to follow. Your book, It’s Great to Be A Girl and the companion guide for moms, Raising Body Confident Daughters is WONDERFUL! you are empowering moms and daughters with the tools to stand up against the enemy’s tactics in a tangible way. I am thanking and praising the Lord for you, that He laid this message on your heart.”

Buy three or more books, you get the livestream for free!

Meet the Speakers

Meet Dannah
Meet Shani