By Dannah Gresh, founder of True Girl
If your tween is begging you to wear makeup, listen to this before you give in: Researchers from the Medical Institute for Sexual Health found that one of the top five factors placing a girl at risk for an early sexual debut is appearing older than she actually is. Wearing makeup plays a big role in that!
On the whole, tweens in America are using more makeup than ever before. Since 2007, the use of mascara by 8-12-year-old girls — presumably those on the older side — has increased from 10% to 18%, and eyeliner from 9% to 15% says the market research firm, the NPD Group. This means our girls know about makeup up. It is our responsibility to guide and direct them to the true and lasting source of beauty, Jesus.
Emphasize to your tween daughter that makeup isn't necessary to enhance her beauty. Special lip gloss - and in some extreme cases, corrective base makeup - is okay and shows her you're not trying to take away her fun, but overall makeup can wait!
Instead, call attention to specific and unique beauty strengths of hers. For example, "Your eyes are showstoppers! They are so bright and blue I think I could swim in them!" or "Your hair always looks stunning! God gave you such beautiful locks!" It is likely that the more you affirm her natural beauty, the more confident she will feel in her own skin.
Rather than simply forbid the use of makeup, sit down with your daughter, explaining your decision and her motivation and establish together a reasonable time and/or occasion for wearing makeup. This does not have to be a fight! What a better time to show her the truth of Proverbs 31:30, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised."
You can use this opportunity to teach her how to properly care for and cleanse her skin - the essential foundation of any beauty regime. We recommend a date of course! The two of you can get cozy in slippers and bathrobes and bless each other with facials.
Try this easy-peasy homemade recipe:
- 1 medium peach
- 1 tablespoon of warm, honey-cooked oatmeal
Cook the peach until soft and then mash it with a fork. Add warm honey and enough oatmeal to make it a thick consistency. Apply to the skin while it’s still warm! Add a few cool cucumber slices to the eye area. Soak in the yummy aroma for ten minutes, then rinse with cool water. Voila!