How Will True Girl Equip Me as a Mom?
Don't take our word for it? Here's how one mom put it...
We've got an arsenal of biblical tools to bring you and your daughter closer to each other and, most importantly, closer to Jesus!
See some of the stuff you’ll find at!
- Memories created at America’s largest mom+daughter stage event
- Online & on-demanded Bible studies that root you both in Truth
- Trusted answers from experts through parenting workshops & articles
- Age-appropriate discipleship tools through the True Girl subscription box
- 2 free podcasts—one just for moms and one for moms+daughters
- A community of like-minded moms on our blog & social media channels
Imagine the joy of discovering deep Biblical truths side by side with your incredible daughter! Together, you'll unravel fears, confidence issues, and lies she may hold close to her heart. You’ll find joy and biblical learning every step of the way.
Let's make this world a brighter place! We’ll do it one memory, one giggle, one truth, and one connecting moment at a time!