Tag: Dennis Rainey

Seven Of The Best Resources To Talk To Your Kids About Sex

By Dannah Gresh, founder of True Girl

"I'm not talking to my children about sex yet. It's too soon," stated a defensive mother after I addressed an audience at one of my workshops.

"How old are your kids?" I asked.

"12 and 14," answered the mom.

I hear it all the time. Parents argue that not talking to their kids about sex will "reduce the risk" and "keep them innocent." In fact, not talking to your kids about sex and abstinence is one of the top five things that place kids at risk of having sex too soon. The best age to begin the direct conversation that includes the mechanics of sex is about the ninth or tenth year, but this list includes resources for building the conversation from the ages of 3 to the college years. I've been reviewing content regarding sex education for parents for nearly two decades. Let me share with you my top seven resources to talk to your kids about sex.

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