Two Ways To Take Care Of Your Physical Well-Being

By Noli

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Do you ever feel like you are running aimlessly, just going through the mundane things of life? Well friend, I am here to tell you I CAN FEEL THE SAME WAY. 

I find myself looking back on the past week thinking, what did I even do? I sometimes can’t find anything of value or substance that I have done and I feel defeated, as if I just wasted a whole week. 

The reality is, the Lord is in the mundane work. The Lord created us for a purpose – to bring Him glory. And you can do that in every area in your life! But I also believe the Lord calls us to BIG things! Amazing things that He wants us to experience! But if our bodies aren’t disciplined to do the work the Lord is calling us to, things might get a little hard.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says,

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”

We run with a purpose! The purpose, Paul says, is to share in the blessings of the Gospel. 

So how do we get there? How do we override feelings of aimlessness? Well, Paul mentions two ways to take care of our physical well-being:

  1. “Every athlete exercises self-control in all things.” Are you giving your body what it needs rather than what you want? 
  2. I discipline my body.” When you are disciplined in your physical life, it tends to show up in your spiritual life. The discipline of working out, being active, and eating healthy can also overflow into your spiritual life. Use that same discipline to wake up early to quench your desire to begin your day in His Word and in prayer.   

Okay, so we are ready to be self-controlled and disciplined. But where do we start? This may sound crazy but hear me about jump roping?

Doesn’t that bring back memories of your childhood? What better way to take intentional time with your daughter than to share your jump roping stories with her and for you both to start your exercise program together! It may not even feel like exercise with as much fun as you’ll have. 

Need to refresh your jump rope tricks?! Check out Staci’s video where she shows you three skills you need to learn to be an expert jump roper!

Want to teach your daughter why jump roping can begin a life of discipline?! Check out The Wellness Box, which is filled with tools to remind and teach your daughter not only why taking care of her body is good, but how she can use her body to glorify the Lord!

The daily devos in this month's subscription box will help you and your girl will dive into a conversation about both physical and spiritual wellness. (And she'll love the fun tools we're including to make it a CamelBak water bottle she can decorate with her own set of True Girl stickers, a jump rope that tracks her jumps, and a True Girl pedometer wrist watch.) Together, you’ll tackle questions such as “what does it look like to be physically well?” and “Why should it be important to us?” Your box will include everything you need to kick off a month-long wellness challenge!



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Dannah Gresh Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam.

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