
We're Changing Our Name! Introducing: True Girl

“I just don’t feel like my story could be useful on this stage.” Those were the words of a Secret Keeper Girl intern who was...

Is Your Daughter A Mean Girl Because You Are? (Ouch!)

By Dannah Gresh In a nationwide survey of over 1,500 Christian tween girls, 29% admitted that they had either been the bully or stood by...

How to Avoid an Awkward Car Ride

“Hi honey, how are you?” “Fine.” “That’s good! How was school today?” “Fine.” “Did anything interesting happen?” “No”.   Does this conversation sound familiar to...

To Sleep Over Or Not To Sleep Over—That Is The Question

By Dannah Gresh, founder of True Girl Some of my best memories with my mom happened at sleepovers she hosted in our home. I can...

How Do I Talk to My Daughter About DRUGS & ALCOHOL?

By Dannah Gresh, founder of True Girl

It's time for me to tell a story that I didn't think I would ever share publicly....

Five Ways To Fight-Free Prom Dress Shopping

By Dannah Gresh, Founder of True Girl

Other moms told me that raising my two girls to embrace modesty would come with tears...