Does your daughter whine, grumble, and complain? Does it wear you down? Even the best of moms can crumble under the grumble! That's why this month we're offering a No-Grumble November Challenge. Kind of like No-Shave November! If that's your mojo, we're all about wearing sweat pants through the winter! Have at it! And while you're at it, consider our mom+daughter challenge—an invitation to go one whole month without grumbling and complaining.
A whole month of no complaining or grumbling??? Is it even possible?
While it may not feel like it, it must be or the Word of God would not invite us to practice grumble-free living! The Bible says when we don’t grumble, we shine like stars in this dark world! (Philippians 2:14-15) Getting a grip on our negative words is a strong, undeniable witness of our security in Jesus Christ!
On top of that, it’s actually pretty critical for our physical and mental health. Research shows that complaining actually shrinks the hippocampus. That’s the area of your brain that’s important for problem-solving and intelligent thought!
Grumbling is Serious Business!
Complaining causes your body to release cortisol. (That’s the stress hormone.) All that extra cortisol released into your system when you grumble isn’t good for your immune system, making you more susceptible to things like diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and even strokes. While your daughter isn't probably going to be at risk of those things, you aren't getting any younger! (Yep, this challenge is for us moms, too!)
Take this month to change the habits of how you communicate in your home! Enjoy our free downloadable—the True Girl No-Grumble November Calendar! Use it to participate in our No Grumble November Challenge. It’s super easy. Every single day, you’ll agree to:
- Do everything without grumbling or complaining.
- Speak life and “leave a little sparkle” by doing the activity of the day on the True Girl No-Grumble November calendar.
Hope you’ll join us!
Take the Mom+Daughter No-Grumble November Challenge!
A whole month of NO COMPLAINING in your home! Want to get in on this challenge? Just fill out this short form and we’ll send the No-Grumble November Calendar right to your inbox! The free downloadable calendar offers daily ideas to speak life into your corner of the world and tells you how to enter for a chance to win the ultimate book bundle from Moody Publishers!