Season 12
Incredible Influencers
The world is full of influencers. They want you to buy stuff, listen to stuff, eat stuff, do stuff, write stuff…whew! It’s exhausting! But you know what? You can begin choosing who will be the big influencers in your life and Christian biographies are a great place to start! This season on the True Girl Podcast Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph will introduce you to six amazing women who will influence you to love God and serve Him.
Episode 6
The Ten Boom Room (Corrie Ten Boom)
Today we’re going to add one more amazing woman to our list of Incredible Influencers. Corrie Ten Boom was full of courage and she learned to help people, even though it was really risky. Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph read one last Christian biography aloud and invite you to do great things for God.
Episode 5
Nothing Could Stop Her (Helen Roseveare)
Helen Roseveare was a doctor who served the Lord in a country where cruel leaders did not want her to help the people. Things got really bad for Helen - but you know what? That didn’t stop her from obeying God! You’re gonna be so inspired by this story as Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph continue reading biographies about worthy Christian influencers.
Episode 3
Palm Trees and Princes (Betsy Stockton)
Have you ever been on a boat for way too long? Betsy Stockton was on one for FIVE MONTHS! Why? She was determined to get where God wanted her to go? And she’ll encourage you to live the same way. Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph continue reading great biographies about Christian women who influence us to love and serve God.
Episode 2
How to Be a Joy Bomb! (Fanny Crosby)
Sometimes things in our lives happen that crush us. That doesn’t mean we can’t explode with joy. Fanny Crosby couldn’t see, but she taught the world to sing. Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph continue reading aloud to each other as they work through a series of great biographies about Christian women worthy of influencing us.
Episode 1
All Eyes on God (Amy Carmichael)
Do you ever wish something about you was different?
As a young girl, Amy Carmichael prayed that God would change the color of her eyes. But then she found out just why God made her the way He did.
Join Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph as they introduce you to some of the most amazing biographies of Christian women.
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