Spiritual Life
Spiritual Life
Why Is Scripture Memorization So Important
Scripture memory. Those two little words struck a bit of fear in me for the longest time. Not because I didn’t want to do it;...
3 Truths For Teaching Your Daughter How To Share The Gospel
By Lawrencia, The Pearl House When it comes to sharing the gospel with others it can be difficult to explain to tweens. They are about...
5 Reasons Why It's Hard To Show Love To Others
By The Pearls, Do you ever wonder why it's sometimes hard to show love to those who have wronged us? Human flesh wants to take...
Three Simple Ways to Introduce the Gospel to Tweens
By Beth Frank When I think of tweens, the first word that comes to mind would not be simple. Also, when I think about the...
Six Tips For Worshipping With Your Tween Girl
By Lisa Rowell Does your daughter know what true worship looks like? It is so important that your daughter understands that worship happens not only...
The Cups That Changed My Life
by Janet Mylin, You know how some dates are just marks on the calendar, and then something happens on that very average date, forever changing...